Synapses Medical Networks

Health Finance

Interest-free loans for your health emergency

Most Nigerian health insurance companies have hard limits on what they will provide to assist Nigerians with their health coverage. The limit is usually so low that any health event can leave families scrambling to collect money from relatives in order to pay the hospital bill or even sell their car just to keep their loved ones alive. To make matters even worse most Nigerians do not have insurance coverage at all so any medical bill must be paid from their own pocket. HealthFinance is ensuring that Nigerian families no longer have to be left with a heart-breaking choice between financial ruin and the demise of their dearly beloved.

HealthFinance allows customers to open a bank account and immediately obtain a loan to cover hospital bills not covered by their insurance provider. “We want to help Nigerians live longer and
healthier. We provide several health services in addition to a completely free bank account. In particular, customers can obtain loans from us to cover their hospital expenses and we have negotiated with several doctors and hospitals to make this affordable for the average Nigerian.
We know customers are attracted to our value proposition as we are opening 500 accounts per day in our first month of operation. We want to quickly scale to be the destination bank for hard-working Nigerians to maintain their health and the health of their families”, said Dr. SegunEbitanmi, Managing Director at HealthFinance.

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