#Back2SchoolHealth Weekly Meetings: Reopening Schools, Matters Arising

Dear Sir,
Are you a Student?Are you a Parent?Are you a Teacher?Are you a School Administrator?Are you a School Proprietor?Are you a Nurse?Are you a School Service Provider?Are you a Concerned Citizen?
Join us on the #Back2SchoolHealth Weekly Meetings this Thursday 17/09/2020 (10:00AM-12:00PM) to discuss “Reopening Schools, Matters Arising”

Niniola WilliamsMD, DRASA Trust (Dr. Ameyo Stella Adadevor Trust).
Halima BalogunDigital Entrepreneur (Sharing Experience from Sweden, from a Parents Perspective).
Dr. Efunbo DosekunCEO Outreach Hospitals (Experience Community Pediatrician and School Health Expert)
Dr. Segun EbitanmiHealth Systems Expert (Host/Moderator)

Register in advance for this meeting:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

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